Let’s get right to it and have some real talk. Appear.in had a long-standing trademark dispute over the appear.in name that resulted in no longer being able to use it. The old name has served by appear.in and their millions of users very well over the years, but their brand was also due for an upgrade. So while it’s unfortunate to have to make this change right now it is necessary. Appear.in recognize that this will create some mixed feelings for users. However, it’s also important to know the service users know and love is staying the same.
Appear.in turning this trademark challenge into an opportunity to rebrand with their future vision in mind: changing the way people work. New name, Whereby, reflects their vision of enabling people to work where they want to and by what means they want.
For now users can use both Appear.in and Whereby.com links. However, after September 1st meeting links will automatically redirect to whereby․com. Be sure to update team and calendar invites before then.
1) by, through, or in accordance with which
2) by what, how
“a video meeting service whereby people can collaborate remotely”
More and more people are discovering the benefits of flexibility and remote working. In a 2017 survey by Gallup for New York Times, 15,000 respondents in the American workforce spoke their mind:
Whereby is here to give companies and employees freedom and flexibility to do their best work from any location
You can also connect online with me at WhereBy