If your project using composer, run the below command
composer require enishant/magiccurl:1.0
If you are not using composer, download the latest release from the releases section. You should download the magiccurl.zip file. After that, include MagicCurl.php in your application and you can use the MagicCurl methods by creating it’s instance.
Note: This PHP library follows the following practices:
Namespaced under Enishant\MagicCurl
Options are passed as an array instead of multiple arguments wherever possible
All requests and responses are communicated using PHP CURL extension
Basic Usage
Instantiate the MagicCurl php instance with/without providing an options.
use Enishant\MagicCurl\MagicCurl;
$client = new MagicCurl;
create_log – Creates log for user agent, header, request and response.
The resources can be accessed via the $client object. All the methods invocations follows the following pattern
// $client->function() to access the methods
//Example - Request with GET method
//Example - Request with POST method
$headers = [
$payload = ['data'=>'in array'];
$client->post($url, $headers, $payload);
The MagicCurl PHP Library is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE file for more details.
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Nishant Vaity
Knowledgeable and skilled Technology Lead with an ability of software development and supervision. Possess a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Information Technology along with 11+ years of experience with hands-on coding and team management. By profession, I am a Software Engineer, Technology Mentor & Entrepreneur. Passionate about the technologies I use and always eager to share & learn more from that passion.