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Importing and Exporting of MYSQL Database with Command Line SSH

Importing MYSQL Database Syntax $ mysql -u username -p database_name < path_to_mysql_file_here Importing existing MYSQL database with filename "wordpress.sql" stored at directory "/home/nishant/", Username is "root", terminal will prompt for asking password. $ mysql -u root -p wordpress < /home/nishant/wordpress.sql Exporting MYSQL Database Syntax $ mysqldump -p -u username database_name > path_to_mysql_file_here Exporting MYSQL database …

How To Reset MySQL Auto Increment Column

MySQL database provides a beautiful feature of Auto Increment Column index. Database table can define its primary key as Auto Increment number and MySQL will take care of its unique value while inserting new rows. Each time you add a new row, MySQL increments the value automatically and persist it to table. But sometime you …