Showing 5 Result(s)
PHP Extension Ioncube Loader Encoder

PHP Extension Ioncube Installation

Download Ioncube Visit and download the tar, tar.bz2 or zip package as per your OS/platform. For OS X download package versions(macOS 32 bits or macOS 64 bits or macOS M1), and decompress it. Download for macOS (64 bits)   Method #1 Manually find the php version, path for php.ini and required Ioncube file …


MagicCurl PHP Library

MagicCurl PHP Library Prerequisites A minimum of PHP 7.3 upto 8.0 PHP cURL extension Installation If your project using composer, run the below command composer require enishant/magiccurl:1.0 If you are not using composer, download the latest release from the releases section. You should download the file. After that, include MagicCurl.php in your application and …

Detecting request type in PHP

For detecting request type in PHP we can use variable $_SERVER by using $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_METHOD’]. $_SERVER is an array containing information such as headers, paths, and script locations. The entries in this array are created by the web server. Following methods can be detected with key ‘REQUEST_METHOD’: GET POST PUT DELETE Example: [php] if ($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_METHOD’] === …