Showing 8 Result(s)

Importing and Exporting of MYSQL Database with Command Line SSH

Importing MYSQL Database Syntax $ mysql -u username -p database_name < path_to_mysql_file_here Importing existing MYSQL database with filename "wordpress.sql" stored at directory "/home/nishant/", Username is "root", terminal will prompt for asking password. $ mysql -u root -p wordpress < /home/nishant/wordpress.sql Exporting MYSQL Database Syntax $ mysqldump -p -u username database_name > path_to_mysql_file_here Exporting MYSQL database …

Git and Virtualmin

Introduction to Git Git is a source-code control system that allows multiple developers to work on the same project. Each developer has a copy of the repository on his workstation, and can check in changes to that repository and synchronize it with a central server. Other developers can then fetch those changes by synchronizing their …

Near Field Communication (NFC) Technology

Near Field Communication (NFC) Technology is a standards-based wireless communication technology that allows data to be exchanged between devices that are a few centimeters apart. NFC operates at 13.56 MHz and transfers data at up to 424 Kbits/seconds. NFC is a means of sending data over radio waves. No data from card can be copied …

Setting up new hostname with WordPress database

For setting up new hostname with WordPress database is required while moving site to new hostname. For this following SQL commands. In following example we are moving site with hostname to hostname UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = REPLACE(option_value,’’,’’); UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_value = REPLACE(meta_value,’’,’’); UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = REPLACE(guid,’’,’’);