Showing 13 Result(s)

Install Excalidraw server on local system

What is Excalidraw Excalidraw is a virtual collaborative whiteboard tool that lets you easily sketch diagrams that have a hand-drawn feel to them. Clone the repo Excalidraw is opensource, which can be installed locally by cloning it’s Github repository. git clone Change directory cd excalidraw Install the dependencies yarn Start the server yarn start …


MagicCurl PHP Library

MagicCurl PHP Library Prerequisites A minimum of PHP 7.3 upto 8.0 PHP cURL extension Installation If your project using composer, run the below command composer require enishant/magiccurl:1.0 If you are not using composer, download the latest release from the releases section. You should download the file. After that, include MagicCurl.php in your application and …

Importing and Exporting of MYSQL Database with Command Line SSH

Importing MYSQL Database Syntax $ mysql -u username -p database_name < path_to_mysql_file_here Importing existing MYSQL database with filename "wordpress.sql" stored at directory "/home/nishant/", Username is "root", terminal will prompt for asking password. $ mysql -u root -p wordpress < /home/nishant/wordpress.sql Exporting MYSQL Database Syntax $ mysqldump -p -u username database_name > path_to_mysql_file_here Exporting MYSQL database …

Git and Virtualmin

Introduction to Git Git is a source-code control system that allows multiple developers to work on the same project. Each developer has a copy of the repository on his workstation, and can check in changes to that repository and synchronize it with a central server. Other developers can then fetch those changes by synchronizing their …

Automated conversion of Excel to PDF using LibreOffice

While converting an excel to pdf following operations are done Read existing excel file. Modify cell values of existing excel file. Convert output of worksheet to PDF Here Node.js, LibreOffice, unoconv are used for automated conversion with Ubuntu operating system. Following are instructions to install Node.js Run curl -sL | sudo bash – Run sudo apt-get …

Generate random password string with Javascript

Generate a random password for a website or javascript application. Include following script to your application and call function randomPassword() There are various ways to call randomPassword() function within this script. you can test output for this function by calling function with console log. Default random password with default configuration console.log(‘Default : ‘, randomPassword()); Password …

Create your Bootstrap 4.0 themes easily

Create your Boostrap 4.0 theme easily. Live preview, live HTML coding to help you create your Bootstrap 4.0 theme direclty in your browser Features Bootstrap 4.0 : Latest version of Bootstrap 4.0 avaiable to create your amazing template. Sass included : Bootstrap worked with Saas ( CSS compiler now) so do Bootstrap Magic Get all …